Wednesday, June 13, 2007

My Boyfriend Went to Austria...
...and all I got were these lousy blisters

Scott’s company made a European acquisition, so in addition to his regularly insane travel schedule, he had to make a whirlwind trip across the pond last week. When he came back Saturday night, it was without his bag, which had apparently decided to jump ship in Amsterdam and do a little additional touring on the way back from Vienna.

Sunday morning when Northwest Airlines was still claiming no knowledge of it, I was asking him what all was in the bag and he got to “camera”... "You mean the DIGITAL CAMERA I GAVE YOU FOR CHRISTMAS???? You NEVER, NEVER, NEVER put a camera or valuables in checked luggage!!! Do you know how much stuff THEY STEAL????!!!" (So much for my determination to be more Zen. Well, I kinda tried. I reminded myself it is "just a camera". [No it's not! It's the freakin' camera I spent two months of discretionary income on and gave him for Christmas.] It's JUST a camera. Aren't you glad HE's home safely. Well, yeah, when you put it that way...)

Once I stopped ranting about not checking valuables, he resumed the list, which included his running shoes. But he has another pair, so we could still do our planned 3-mile run. When I was getting ready for that and went to his closet to put on running shoes (I keep a pair at his place since we usually run once or twice from there on the weekends), I found both pair of his—but not mine. Guess what? I didn’t get to go to Europe, but my running shoes were there that very minute having a great time with his bag.

As I told Scott later, “Not that you would have, but it's a really good thing you didn't fib and tell me that you'd gotten in a run or two while you were there.”


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