Friday, February 20, 2009

Ignore This Member
One of the Many Reasons I Love

When a friend referred me to, I didn't think it would be of much interest since I preferred to sell/buy books on Amazon or But I've come to LOVE ordering books for free—and unlike the library, which I also adore, I don't have to return anything. It comes with only the occasional inconvenience of someone expecting the same from me, at which point I put the specified book I no longer want in an envelope, add postage, and ship it out.

Just as I sometimes think I can't possibly love my husband any more deeply only to find that my love for him has widened, I recently discovered even greater dimension to my relationship with In their newsletter they described a new feature in their forums: the Ignore This Member button, described as follows:

This feature allows you to ignore a member (or members) whose topics bother you, bore you, etc. When you have ignored a member, you will be able to go anywhere in forums and never "hear" from the member again, while seeing all the rest of the posts in topics. You can ignore as many people as you like. We think this is a great way to shut out any forum voices that may get on your nerves and spoil your day, while letting the other voices come through loud and clear.

I consider this Deep Thoughts Advice About Life. I have now installed an internal Ignore This Member button, and when I detect any "voice that may get on my nerves or spoil my day", I mentally click Ignore This Member. And giggle. While letting all the other voices come through loud and clear.

Thank you


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