Monday, May 16, 2005

St. Joseph: Real Estate Baron

I now have an accepted offer on my house. Wahoo! The buyers are a childless couple who are both employed (or DINKS—double income no kids), no mobile home or other houselike structure to sell, and apparently have the earnest $$$. They even OFFERED $1600 in earnest money instead of the more typical $1000. (Or $500 like the trailer park people.) The agreed-upon price is only $170K—I was a little disappointed that it didn't hit my projected low of $172K. But close enough. And they're willing to close on 6/15. So it's all good.

I won't be digging up St. Joe until after the close, but he will definitely assume a place of honor on the mantelpiece in the Maple Bluff House. I suppose I should give Jeff and Jodi some credit too. I just phoned Jeff and suggested that perhaps they should start their own statue cottage industry and provide their clients with Jeff and Jodi action figures that, like the St. Joseph statues, can be buried upside down in yards for real estates sales success, then prominently displayed in a place of honor in the new home. Good advertising. They could even multi-task as wedding cake toppers.

Jeff said he would pass the idea on to Jodi. I'd love to be a fly on that wall.


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