Friday, March 06, 2009

My Bloody Valentine 3D

On February 20, I received the following email from my favorite movie reviewer, Teddy Durgin:

At long last, non-locals, here is a giveaway contest for those who do not live in the Baltimore-Washington, D.C., metro area and cannot make the various preview screenings that I help to co-sponsor. Since this weekend is the Academy Awards, I decided to ask you a few Oscar-related questions. To qualify for the prizes, you must answer all three correctly. For best possible consideration, please e-mail me your answers along with your prize preferences to my personal e-mail address at **@***. Good luck!

First, the prizes:
1) "The International" poster

2) An XL-sized "My Bloody Valentine 3-D" T-shirt (it's more like a Large, so if you weigh more than 150 lbs., you may wanna go with one of the other prizes)

3) A set of "Monsters Vs. Aliens" coasters.

Now, the questions:
1) For the 1988 Oscars (held in March '89), three of the five Best Actor nominees' last names began with the letter "H." Who were they?

2) Who was the only actor to ever be nominated for his acting in a "Star Wars" movie?

3) True or false? Sylvester Stallone has never been nominated for Best Actor.

I don't even like t-shirts. But there is something about even the idea of a My Bloody Valentine 3D t-shirt that is so deliciously perverse, not to mention the whole realm of psychology around WINNING anything that made this irresistible.

The keyboard was almost smoking as I dashed out the following:

1) Dustin Hoffman (winner with Rain Man), Gene Hackman (former roommate to Hoffman), and Tom Hanks

2) Alec Guinness (best supporting)

3) False. Nominated for Rocky.

If it's still available, could I get the t-shirt? If not--thanks for the fun (and any other available prize if they're not gone).

I am now the proud owner of an XL, My Bloody Valentine 3D t-shirt. I don't care how incredibly unflattering it is—I will be wearing my winnings & struttin' 'em down the aisles of the Wisconsin Film Festival cinema venues next month. Way bad fashion, but as movie kitsch goes—unsurpassable.


Blogger Uben Hertwig said...

Oh congratulations! Glad to see you are blogging again!

12:44 PM  

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